
Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin

First of all, we must confess to something. In Africa, we had a moment of weakness and thought about getting a BMW 1200 GSA, aka the Big Twelve, for several reasons:

  1. All the big boys ride big, heavy, and expensive motorcycles
  2. In Africa, you’ll hardly see anything else on and off the road
  3. We like to live dangerously

When we went to look at the first used bike, we passed by two piles of scrap metal on the way, which upon closer inspection turned out to be two Africa Twins. We laughed at the idea of riding them across the entire Black Continent and continued to the BMW shop. Man proposes, Africa disposes, and a few days later, we weren’t laughing at all. Covid had really shaken up the market, and as soon as the lockdown ended, the Bavarian bikes were gone in a flash, leaving only overpriced offers from local scalpers. Fortunately, they turned out to be just abused but faithful and reliable machines that only wanted a bit of love, so we rescued them from their original owner and set off into the heart of Africa; and on what else but an Africa Twin! Lockdown po bavorácích se jen zaprášilo a zbytek byly jen předražené nabídky od místních scalperů. Naštěstí se z nich vyklubaly jen týrané leč věrné a spolehlivé stroje, které jen chtěly trochu lásky a tak jsme zachránili od jejich původního majitele a vyrazili do srdce Afriky; a na čem jiném než na Africe!