

To Mongolia on the biggest nonsense we can think of.

That’s probably how our idea for an expedition to Central Asia could be described. It’s worth noting that the very original version was to participate in the Mongol Rally, which has exactly such rules. However, during the preparations, we gradually began to realize that the famous race had transformed into something we didn’t actually want to be a part of. We wish all future participants lots of fun, but we can complicate our lives on our own and incomparably better than any organized shenanigans.

Because Jawa is synonymous with our beginnings, we thought it would make sense to look for something other than the indestructible motor relic of the last century, and the Jawa 125 met the cubic limit for the aforementioned Rally. On Bazoš (an online marketplace), we found two models that were absolutely perfect – and the only ones.

During our time in the workshop, which was really intense and took several months of pure time, we developed a remarkable relationship with these fragile beauties – Love & Hate and nothing in between.

After starting our journey, we had our first repair at the twenty-seventh kilometer, and our future looked really gloomy. You can see how it all turned out in the Expeditions > Multistan section.

Kilometers traveled12.000
Marriage proposals4
Frame weld repairs3
Rating according to Tajik youthхорошо