

I would have hardly guessed some time ago that we would become motorcyclists, but becoming MOTARcyclists wouldn’t have crossed our minds even in a dream.

In Chile and South America overall, riding on two wheels is very popular and widespread, but everything revolves around small engine capacities of about 400cc. Anything above that immediately becomes an expensive rarity for the bourgeoisie. The same applies to European brands like BMW or KTM. And when you don’t have many pesos jingling in your pocket, you end up with cheap Chinese copies, in this case, the proven Honda XR 125 L.

The comrades from the Middle Kingdom thought the original engine capacity was too small, so they increased it to 250cc. The new motorcycle cost just under 50,000 pesos, which in 2017 was about 37,000 Czech crowns.

The first kilometers were a combination of amazement and despair, but eventually everything settled in, and all in all, nothing broke down in 14,000 km that wasn’t caused by our own fault. Myšák and his whimsical engine disassembly could tell you stories. After traveling through three Latin American countries, we returned to Santiago and found new owners for all the machines.

Kilometers traveled:14.000
Acoustic pressure of brake squealing:119dB
Dazzled girls:1
Los Motos Locos magazine rating:6/10