When two guys decide to set off to Mongolia on a Jawa Dandy 125.
DO PRYČ Z TADYMA is a travel documentary with an unconventional format, where its creators and participants embark on a 100-day motorcycle expedition. After their South American experience, they now turn their attention eastward and set off from Třebíč to Mongolia. As always, with great passion, they overcome all the challenges that often shift beyond reality, and we can witness not only their journey through hot mountainous Uzbekistan, the mountainous Pamir, the Kazakh steppe, and rainy Russia, but also a journey into their imagination. Their faithful ukuleles are indispensable companions, accompanying them through every predicament. The film doesn’t aim to be an objective descriptive documentary, but rather an entertaining view of the journey through the eyes of travelers that knows no boundaries. With a vision inspired by films like “The Flight of the Conchords,” “Noel Fielding’s Luxury Comedy,” or “Toulavá kamera,” it will offer 4 episodes of 22 minutes each.

The rest of the article is in preparation…